Friday, October 18, 2013



Malam yang hujan.

After a long time. hahah!
Sudah lama ku meninggalkan dunia penaipan *walau--ku-tahu-ku-tidak-diperlukan*
Jari-jemari dah tak reti nak menyusun tari. Mentol tidak keluar dari minda *hiperbola* LOL

Dan tiba-tiba aku rasa "Kan best kalau ada P.A. sendiri" *whoa :O
Serius. Aku tak reti manage masa. Terbuang macam -tidur berjam-jam dan menyesal bila bangun =__=
Sungguh masa tak boleh diputar. Tolong jangan tiru perangai tak semenggah ni.

Okay, that's all for today :D
Tetiba rindu nak jenguk blog. Sebab tu lah...
Meluah rasa kepada yang sudi membaca.


coratcoret : biar jauh di mata, tpi dekat di hati ;)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Youth of Dignity

Assalamualaikum :)
post kali ni just nak share something.
love the words. so so interesting! 
please read with soul ;)


Sutra Beach Resort

Brother and sisters,
This life is all about making choices,
And it is the job of young people like us to make the world a better place,
We are powerful beings,
We are perfect linings,
We are diamonds in the rough,
We are free from freedom,
We possess such skill that is so real,
We can go the extra mile carving a smile,
We are the cream of the society,
We are icings on a cake. 


We don't even know we own all these capabilities,
All these credibilities.
What do we know then?
We have been wasting our lives with playing video games,
We have blinded by the selfish kind of love without nothing to gain,
We claim we have no time but isn't weird we can spare time to watch movies? 
We always say "I can't, it's impossible", "I'm weak, I can't do nothing" but that is just an excuse not to improve,
We are so immersed in entertainment and yet we say we feel nothing in prayer,
We are like fools we preach rules but don't practice our own.
This is what we own and this is what we know.
But the companions of the prophet,
At the time we say we have no time they say we have no time to waste time,
At the moment we claim "I can't, its impossible" they claim Nothing is impossible.
At young age, they have conquered nations after nations,
Making discoveries after discoveries,
Why the companions of the prophet are so determined in spreading Islam?
Because they know this life is short,
And within this short period of time,
They got to make sure they make history a reality.
Now you tell me,
How many hearts have touched?
How many verses of the Quran have we remembered & practiced?
How many discoveries have we made?
It's time for us to change,
It's time for you and me,
Either we make history,
Or become history.
We are the youth of dignity,
We are the catalyst in society,
We are the agent of change,
We are the youth,
Let's bring Islam back, 
We did it in the past,
Now let's do it again.

Sumber :

coratcoret : Langit Ilahi :)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Penderaan mental dan fizikal menjelang midsem

Akhirnya, setelah tamatnya proses penyiapan assignment Islamic Economics.
Dapat melepaskan nafas dengan nyaman. Tidur dengan tenteram. Mimpi yang indah-indah. Nikmatnya hidup :)

Tapi belum sempat nak menikmati hidup bersenang-lenang lagi dah muncul tugasan baru.
*hanya mampu menerima dengan kerelaan hati*

Rabu 27 Mac - submit assignment Hubungan Etnik by typing and HAND-WRITTING *minimum 2 pages*
Khamis, Jumaat, Sabtu 28-30 Mac - seminar kelab keusahawanan UniSZA *kat luar kampus*
Isnin 1 April - mid-term Bahasa Arab *malam-malam jalan kaki pergi gym*
Rabu 3 April - group presentation English for Communication-ll *cabut undi, dapat tajuk paling mencabar*
Khamis 4 April - mid-term Business Comunication *dengan buku teks tak sampai lagi*

Nampak tak betapa tak cukup nafasnya aku? +___+
Bilik ni dah macam tempat persinggahan R & R je *solat-mandi-tidur*
Selebihnya banyak habiskan masa kat luar untuk discussion dan cari bahan.
Ni baru senarai tugas yang besar-besar. Belum assignment yang harian punya *__*
Saat-saat yang perlu ditempuhi menjelang cuti midsem.
Memang aku cuti habis-habisan midsem nanti heheh


coratcoret : lepas ni tunggu gambar Putra Beach Resort pulak ek ;)

Friday, March 15, 2013

kelam kelibut

Assalamualaikum :)
Alhamdulillah masih diberi nyawa. masih boleh bernafas. masih boleh bergerak seperti biasa. tiada yang kurang. Alhamdulillah :)

Semester Dua ni jadual sangat padat. ya, memang macam tu lah hajatnya.
isi masa dengan program-program, discussion, aktiviti kemasyarakatan.
*tiru-macam-saya* kononnya ;p

okay, sekarang dah ada tugas baru!
sejak join kelab usahawan ni, kena bertugas jaga kiosk :)

pengalaman jaga kiosk ?
memey layan ah xD jumpa macam-macam orang. tapi serius enjoy ;)
bila jaga kat kaunter ni, amalan senyum-sampai-tutup-kedai memang perlu diperaktikkan.

program akan datang?
hmm.. Insya Allah kalau panjang umur nak join program kemasyarakatan ni.
pergi rumah anak yatim ^^, *dah lamaaaaaa sangat teringin*

esok pulak ada majlis penyerahan sijil pendaftaran perniagaan :D
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya bisnes kitorang dah ada sijil pendaftaran. boleh la bergiat dengan lebih aktif lagi lepas ni ;)

matlamat seterusnya?
melancong seluruh Malaysia! ya! *___*
kumpul duit. jimat duit. tabung duit. apa lagi? $___$
perancangan cuti semester katanya ;D
terengganu ---> kedah ----> johor :)

and the last,
don't you dare to trouble the trouble if you don't want the trouble to trouble you - hlovatesays

coratcoret : tak sabar nak jumpa dua orang budak overseas tu! :D *take-note*